Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Cheboygan State Park, Tuesday, September 6, 2009

We stopped at Scarborough’s Whitefish and Chips, as we pulled out of Petoskey. Now we know how they can afford to close for the holiday – frankly my dear, they are quite greasy, undersized and overpriced. You can see a lot just by watching, as the great Yogi says.
All of the sudden, Lynne’s floating knee cartilage is acting up, and slowing her down in a major way. Here’s hoping that this is just a temporary thing. She seems a little better this evening.
A milestone from a couple of days ago, was the epic crossing of the 45th parallel as Morty negotiated his way North. This of course is noteworthy, because it is exactly halfway between the equator and the North Pole. Consistent with the ceremonies associated with crossing the equator, Lynne donned a crown, trident spear and flowing white beard and forced me to drink the swill and do the limbo walk – at least those were my fears.
We stopped at Wilderness State Park as our original destination, but couldn’t find the campgrounds; in fact we did find a sign proclaiming “NO CAMPING.” Later, Lynne gave me a pen and told me to cross out the bullet in the state brochure that indicated “Modern Campground.” Plan B then was to go on an additional 30 miles to Cheboygan.
In the good omen department, we stopped in the center of town to gas up, and spotted a bald eagle doing low loops right over the town. We looked for a supermarket type place to replenish the frozen dinner department, without avail. On the state park and its bullet for Modern Campground – finally success. This is a lovely little spot on a Lake Huron bay. Only a half dozen campers in the whole place. We can see the bay from our bedroom window. Got a picture of a great blue heron and some frog earlier in the afternoon. The camp billboard devotes an entire side to the local bear population. Not sure whether to take that as a threat or not.

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